One team, one purpose

Serve Agriculture


Connect the Agri-food Sector and ensure sustainability for future generations.

The future is the best gift we can give our Farmers.

Side by side with Farmers, we work daily to develop technology adjusted to the real needs of the field so that the sector grows sustainably.

We do this through the digitalization of agricultural production, based on the technological empowering of the various actors in the agri-food value chain.

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Values ​​that are part of us

Together we go further

"Go alone if you want to go quickly; with someone if you want to go far."


Agricultural activity is multidisciplinary. So is Wisecrop. We value collaboration not only within the team, but also with external entities such as academic institutions, service providers or public entities.ities.

Wisecrop community

The Future starts today

It’s what drives us to push the limits of what’s possible in agriculture.

We seek to develop new technologies and approaches that not only solve farmers' current challenges, but also anticipate future needs. We prepare the path so that farmers can travel more comfortably.


Integrative platform, whole team

It is the backbone of trust and credibility.

All Wisecrop interactions with customers, partners and the rest of the community are conducted with honesty, transparency and responsibility.

integrity wisecrop

Independent, but never alone

A reflection of the company's autonomy in making decisions that best align with its mission, without external influence.

It means having the freedom to explore innovative solutions to real problems, promoting sustainability that benefits both farmers and the environment.

wisecrop independence

Meet our leadership team

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The best for Agriculture

Team members

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A story worth telling

Discover our journey


The beginning

While still at university, the young founders got together for a curricular project. When working together, they realized they had something in common: they wanted to make a difference!

Recognition: Participation in The Next Big Idea

Relevant moment: Entry into the UPTEC Startup School

Value proposition: Idea for a network of sensors for dispersed and real-time monitoring.


2013 -2014

First expansion

With everything new ahead of them, the founders set out on the adventure of presenting their idea across borders, in Chile. This was while they were setting up the company and beginning negotiations to raise their first round of investment.

Recognition: Startup Chile Incubation

Relevant moment: Bipartite management of the team for 7 months (Chile/Portugal)

Value proposition: Pest and disease models and Mobile App




With pilot systems already installed on reference agricultural farms in Portugal, the capital raising allowed the initial construction of a professional team, as well as participation in WebSummit Lisboa.

Recognition: Semi Final Pitch Competition WebSummit

Relevant moment: Investment from a VC

Value proposition: Precision Agriculture and Remote Control




The company's growth became evident! With the creation of several international partnerships and presence at events inside and outside Portugal, Wisecrop is beginning to stand out as a differentiating brand in the AgTech sector.

Recognition: Best Startup at the SmartAgrifood Summit

Relevant moment: Visit to a partner in Hefei, China

Value proposition: Agricultural Operating System




The company's growth led the team to look for an Advisor. The 2016 Websummit opened the door to close contact with Dr. Carri Duncan, former VP of Bayer CropScience, who joined the team.

Recognition: Tiago Sá is included in the Forbes 30Under30 list

Relevant moment: Partnership with Compal Frutology Center

Value proposition: Technological training for the Agricultural Sector




With greater specialization in the Iberian agricultural sector, Wisecrop establishes partnerships with high-level institutions, for a solid and robust positioning.

Recognition: Leader of the AgWearCare project in a consortium

Relevant moment: Partnership with Banco Crédito Agrícola

Value proposition: Launch of JANOTA & iDA projects





A period of internal growth. The team now has the right people, who will bring the value proposition of the Agricultural Operating System to all farmers.
The future has never been so close...

Recognition: The best join the team

Relevant moment: Vote of confidence from multinational clients

Value proposition: Agricultural ERP, complete integration



We're just getting started. Join us in the agricultural (r)evolution!

O nosso percurso

You're in luck! Use this module to show content in chronological order using a neat scrolling effect that displays your events one by one.


Ainda na universidade, os jovens fundadores juntaram-se para um projeto no âmbito de uma Unidade Curricular. Ao trabalharem juntos, perceberam que tinham algo em comum: queriam fazer a diferença!


Reconhecimento: Prémio Melhor Ideia BEST (500€)

Momento relevante: Entrada na Escola de Startups da UPTEC

Proposta de valor: Ideia para uma rede de sensores para monitorização dispersa e em tempo real.

Equipa Wisenetworks FEUP


Com tudo novo pela frente, os fundadores partiram na aventura de conhecer um novo continente e apresentar a sua ideia além-fronteiras, no Chile. Isto enquanto constituíam a empresa e iniciavam negociações para o levantamento da sua primeira ronda de investimento.


Reconhecimento: Incubação Startup Chile

Momento relevante: Gestão bipartida da equipa durante 7 meses (Chile/Portugal)

Proposta de valor: Rede de sensores agrícolas para monitorização e controlo remoto


Wisecrop Team 2013


Já com sistemas-piloto instalados em explorações agrícolas de referência em Portugal, o levantamento de capital permitiu a construção inicial de uma equipa profissional, bem como a participação no WebSummit Lisboa, que proporcionou uma certa visibilidade ao projeto.


Reconhecimento: Meia Final Pitch Competition WebSummit

Momento relevante: Investimento de uma VC

Proposta de valor: Sistema de monitorização agrícola, via App Mobile


Websummit pitch


O crescimento da empresa tornou-se evidente! Com a criação de várias parcerias internacionais e com presença em eventos dentro e fora de Portugal, a Wisecrop começa a destacar-se como marca diferenciadora no setor AgTech.


Reconhecimento: Best Startup no SmartAgrifood Summit (Málaga)

Momento relevante: Visita a um parceiro em Hefei, China

Proposta de valor: Sistema Operativo Agrícola. Integração de Laboratórios



As necessidades de suporte ao crescimento da empresa levaram a equipa a procurar um(a) Advisor. O Websummit de 2016 abriu portas a um contacto próximo com a Dra. Carri Duncan, ex-VP da Bayer CropScience, que decidiu juntar-se à equipa. O seu apoio profissionalizou toda a operação da empresa.


Reconhecimento: Participação no BIN Brasil

Momento relevante: Inclusão da Carri Duncan como Advisor

Proposta de valor: Integração de mapas de satélite no Wisecrop



Com uma maior especialização no setor agrícola ibérico, a Wisecrop acelera estabelece parcerias com instituições de alto-nível, para um posicionamento sólido e robusto. O conhecimento do mercado permite o ajuste das ferramentas disponíveis à real necessidade dos agricultores.



Reconhecimento: Líder do projeto AgWearCare em consórcio

Momento relevante: Parceria com Banco Crédito Agrícola

Proposta de valor: JANOTA & iDA



Um período de crescimento interno. Escolher as pessoas certas foi um desafio que a Wisecrop abraçou de bom grado e com enorme sucesso! A equipa tem agora as pessoas ideais, que farão chegar a proposta de valor do Sistema Operativo Agrícola a todos os agricultores. Nunca o futuro esteve tão perto...


Reconhecimento: Investimento externo

Momento relevante: Crescimento da equipa

Proposta de valor: ERP Agrícola, integração completa



... Estamos só a começar. Junte-se a nós nesta (r)Evolução Agrícola!

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